The Beginning

I was born in Haverfordwest in Pembrokeshire in 1954 but I have lived for most of my seventy  years in the small town of Llandeilo in West Wales. My interest in photography started no doubt like many others with the gift of a camera, in my case a little Kodak Brownie when I was ten years old. Armed with this shiny new toy and a roll of b&w film I went to the local agricultural show where I got into animal portraiture in a big way by photographing all the bulls on show! When the results of my first photo expedition came back from the local chemist, my father was somewhat annoyed to see staring from each frame either a Friesian, Welsh Black or Hereford bull. Thank goodness he had a sense of humour and saw the funny side.

Over the years I have used a wide range of photographic equipment from Miranda and Yashica 35mm to Mamiya 645 and 330F medium format, always keen to learn whilst having a great deal of fun. My first autofocus camera was the Minolta 7000i, a camera which started a long and very satisfying association with Minolta. Not long after purchasing the 7000i, I added a 9000 body to the camera bag along with a variety of lenses. Both these cameras were a revelation and transformed my interest in photography.

My first departure from film was with a compact which was my launchpad into the hugely exciting digital world. The news that Minolta would be producing a digital SLR changed everything, and the rest as they say is history. I now use Sony mirrorless cameras with lenses from Sony and other manufacturers including Lensbabies.

I have an interest in a wide range of subjects, some of which you will see within the pages of this website however, I have now developed a particular interest in producing quirky or surreal images which will hopefully raise a smile, and taken primarily in my small tabletop studio. I hope you enjoy looking at my photographs, and please get in touch if you wish to comment on anything on the site. Martin